Success Stories
Meet Andy
74 lbs weight loss
Andy’s two kids, Matthew and Caden, were definitely his motivation to lose weight. His trigger to make a change begin while playing little league football with his kids. He felt worn out after just 5-10 minutes and when asked to be a referee, he felt physically unable to give his all to doing it.
“I got to do something,” he said.
So he underwent gastric sleeve surgery. Andy is 8 months post op and has lost 74 lbs. His is 52 lbs. from his long-term goal. Andy is a Murray State University team leader over the building service techs and recently received a promotion.
“I look at my eating habits, try to eat more vegetables and not much fast food or any junk food in general. I have a lot more energy and try to exercise everyday and just enjoy life. I can actually play football with my kids and go hiking with my family.”
“I enjoy lifting weights the most, and for cardio I like taking my wife, Melissa, and our children to hike or to the park. It is good for them and for me.”